Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Foreign Intelligence Organization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Foreign Intelligence Organization - Essay Example In the past, these countries focused their efforts on getting intelligence concerning the United States Military capabilities, as well as military research and development activities. Today, these nations also collect technical, scientific, proprietary and economic information. The information collected is aimed at promoting the national welfare of these nations and also acquiring and maintaining highly developed military systems. These countries have the ability of collecting U.S. intelligence information using Human Intelligence (HUMINT), Signal Intelligence (SIGINT), and by analyzing open source material.1 Other countries also have the ability to collect imagery products that can be used to collect Image Intelligence (IMINT). It is essential to note that only the Russian Federation gathers space-borne intelligence. 1The People’s Republic of China also has this ability though to a rather limited extent. Therefore, Russia remains to be the nation that poses the most significa nt intelligence collection threat to the U.S. Russia has immense intelligence capability that was inherited from former Soviet Union. A large proportion of Russia’s intelligence collection infrastructure is focused on collecting information relating to the U.S. The Russian Federation uses SIGINT, HUMINT, IMINT, MASINT, and open source analysis. This is used to develop intelligence products for military planners and Russian political leaders. According to the federal Bureau of Investigation, Russian intelligence operations have increased in sophistication, scope, and number.2 They are likely to remain at this high level for the near future. The bodies legally responsible for foreign intelligence functions in Russia include the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR), the Main Intelligence Directorate of General Staff (GRU) and the Federal Agency for Government Communications and Information (FAPSI). SVR mainly collects scientific, political, technical and economic informati on. Majority of case officers working for SVR operate from Russian Embassies and consulates under diplomatic cover. Though alleged that SVR personnel have been reduced by 30%, active collection operations continue, and suspicion that SVR influences operations, and conduct propaganda is rife.2 The GRU mainly provides strategic and tactical intelligence for the Russian Military.2 They collect warning intelligence, important information on military capabilities of likely adversaries, and data on superior military technologies. Their collection techniques include HUMINT, both overt and clandestine, open sources, satellite imagery reconnaissance, SIGINT from ships, ground stations aircrafts and satellites. Collection activities that significantly threaten U.S interests are those under the Space Intelligence Directorate and First Deputy Chief.3 The Space Intelligence Directorate, in conjunction with the Fleet Intelligence Direction, manages Russia’s space reconnaissance program. Th e SDI operates many research institutes, its own cosmodromes, and a centralized computer processing facility. FAPSI’s main role is communications security for Russia.2 Russia continues to place emphasis on HUMINT.3 This is because of the information they gathered from the past. It is

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